
Our church is a charity and relies entirely on the contributions of local people (and a local charity). We are grateful for any gifts.

In a normal year our outgoings are around £25,000, for which report in detail at our annual meeting. (In 2019 we spent nearly £48,000 owing to the theft of lead from the roof.) This is spent on:

  • Insurance
  • Maintenance of the church building
  • Office costs (for the office we share with Cotesbach and Lutterworth)
  • Heating bills
  • Ministry Expenses, including equipment for services
  • Our clergy (for which we make a contribution to the Diocese of Leicester).

If you are able and willing to give financially to support the church, please ask our churchwardens or contact our treasurer, Tony Woodhead.

(Online giving is also possible through our sister church in Lutterworth. Please visit Stewardship , click donate and in the comments section explain that the contribution is for Bitteswell church.)